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Here's a list of the rules for your convenience. If you have any further questions, please contact us on our "Support" page.

Rule #1: No Blacklisted Modifications

Simply put, there will be no hacking on the server as it is a huge advantage against other players. This includes:

  • PVP Hacks (killaura, reach, etc...)

  • Movement Hacks (fly, bunnyhop, speed, etc...)

  • Other Advantages (Xray mods/texture packs, etc...)

If you have a question as to what mods are fine, contact us on our "Support" page. However, we find that most mods are fine unless they have a strict advantage such as the ones listed above. ToggleSprint/Sneak, Forge, LabyMod, and Optifine are all basic mods/platforms you can use on our server.


Ban Length: 1 week



Rule #2: No Griefing

Although there are claims players can create to protect their builds, you may not grief a build that is either unclaimed or claimed (such as breaking stuff while trusted or doing stuff like cobble-monstering).


Ban Length: 3 days

Rule #3: No Inappropriate Skins/IGNs/Builds

As the title states, there will be no inappropriate skins, usernames, or builds on the server. Skins may include racist/sexual gestures, names, or builds. This is to ensure that the server remains "family-friendly."


Ban Length: 3 days

Rule #4: No Disrespect/Advertising​

There will be no disrespect towards other players or advertising on the server. Disrespectful behavior may include racist/sexual gestures, insults, etc. Advertising includes showing off your server, website, or videos (there is a forum for showcasing YouTube videos).


Mute Length: 1 day (will be extended if multiple instances)

© 2018 by Stork&Lub.

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